

1. 岳麓山:作为长沙的著名景点,岳麓山拥有丰富的自然资源和人文景观。在这里,你可以选择在山脚下的农家乐体验桑拿野宿。一般价格在100-200元/晚,包含住宿、桑拿、烧烤等服务。

2. 橘子洲头:橘子洲头是长沙的另一大旅游景点,这里的环境优美,夜晚的夜景更是迷人。选择在橘子洲头的野宿,价格一般在150-300元/晚,可以根据住宿条件和服务项目进行调整。

3. 天心阁:天心阁是长沙的标志性建筑,这里有着悠久的历史文化。在周边的野宿地点,价格一般在100-200元/晚,适合追求历史文化的游客。


1. 住宿费:根据住宿条件不同,价格在100-300元/晚不等。一般分为普通间、标准间、豪华间等。

2. 桑拿费:桑拿是一种很好的消暑方式,一般桑拿费用在50-100元/人。部分野宿地点提供免费桑拿服务。

3. 烧烤费:烧烤是野宿的必备项目,一般费用在100-300元/桌。可根据人数和菜品进行调整。


桑拿1. 提前预订:在出行前,提前预订野宿地点,以确保住宿顺利。

2. 合理安排行程:尽量避开高峰期,选择人少的时候出行,以降低价格。

3. 比较价格:在预订前,多比较几家野宿地点的价格和服务,选择性价比高的。

4. 自备用品:如毛巾、洗漱用品等,以减少费用。


















1. 专业桑拿房:桑拿中心设有多种不同类型的桑拿房,如干蒸房、湿蒸房、盐蒸房等,满足不同顾客的需求。在这里,您可以尽情享受高温带来的舒适感,促进血液循环,加速新陈代谢。

2. 休闲区:桑拿房外设有宽敞的休闲区,配有舒适的躺椅、茶几和茶水服务。在这里,您可以与朋友小憩片刻,享受片刻的宁静。

3. 专业按摩:桑拿中心还提供专业的按摩服务,让您在桑拿之后,进一步放松身心。三百元的价格中包含了全身按摩一次,让您在享受桑拿的同时,也能得到身心的舒缓。

4. 健身器材:为了满足顾客多样化的需求,桑拿中心还配备了多种健身器材,让您在桑拿之余,还能进行锻炼,保持身体健康。

5. 营养餐点:桑拿中心还为顾客提供营养餐点,让您在桑拿过程中补充能量,恢复体力。











1. 传统桑拿浴:长沙的桑拿浴采用传统的干蒸方式,将特制的岩石加热至70℃以上,再往岩石上泼水,产生冲击性的蒸汽。这种桑拿浴能够加快血液循环,使全身肌肉得到放松,消除疲劳,恢复体力。

2. 冷热交替:在桑拿浴过程中,长沙人会进行冷热交替,即从高温的桑拿房出来后,进入冷水池或冷水房,使血管得到收缩与扩张,增强血管弹性,预防血管硬化。

3. 多样化的服务:长沙的桑拿洗浴中心提供多样化的服务,如洗澡、按摩、美容美发、足疗等,满足消费者的不同需求。

4. 舒适的环境:长沙的桑拿洗浴中心环境优雅,装修风格独具特色,让人在享受桑拿浴的同时,感受到放松与愉悦。


1. 选择正规的桑拿洗浴中心:在长沙,有许多桑拿洗浴中心,消费者在选择时,应注意选择正规的、卫生条件良好的场所。

2. 注意桑拿浴的时间:一般来说,每次桑拿浴的时间不宜过长,以免对身体造成负担。建议每次桑拿浴时间为20-30分钟。

3. 适当补充水分:在桑拿浴过程中,人体会大量出汗,因此要注意补充水分,以防脱水。

4. 享受冷热交替:在桑拿浴结束后,适当进行冷热交替,有助于身体恢复。



"Okay, I’ll see you later."

Say that finish two people ended the call.
Cha Meng sat in the car and turned to look at Qin Yu and asked, "Cancel?"
"Well, there’s something in the first palm that temporarily cancels the meeting." Qin Yu nodded and answered.
"That back to the hotel?"
"Well, go home." Qin Yu waved. "Gu Shen will come over later."
In this way, the crowd watched Gu Shen turn around for two cars and returned to the hotel.
More than one o’clock in the afternoon
When everyone was waiting for Gu Shen in the box, Qin Yu’s words suddenly sounded. He glanced at the number and picked it up. "Hello?"
"Hello Qin Lv?" One sounds a little strange.
Qin Yu was dazed. "Yes, who are you?"
"Haha, you really don’t recognize my son?" The other party asked with a smile
Qin Yu glanced at the number again. "Sorry, I really can’t recognize it."
"I’m Jiang Xue." The other party woke up and answered "District Military Intelligence Man."
When Qin Yu heard this, he suddenly realized, "Oh, I remember."
"Is Qin Lv busy or not?" Jiang Xue invited 1
Qin Yuwen wondered, "How did you know I was in the district?"
"Ha ha, you forget what I am. I am engaged in military affairs. Is it still difficult to know where you are?" Jiang Xuexiao replied.
"Is it so scary?"
"I’m just kidding you. Yesterday, I happened to go to the airport to do business and stayed there for a day. I saw you arrive, but there were too many people at that time, so I didn’t call you." Jiang Xueqing explained, "Did I invite you to dinner today?"
Qin Yu thought about it and thought that he had nothing to do with it, and it was even harder to refute it. He replied lightly, "Ok, what time?"
"Well, I’ll pick you up after five o’clock."
"But I just introduce you to some friends" Qin Yu nodded.
"Okay, that’s it."
Say that finish two people ended the call.
"Who is it?" Xiao qi sat in a chair and asked 1.
"Have you seen Jiang Xue?" Qin Yu looked up and answered.
"Jiang Xue? Why did I forget this person? " Xiaoqi at that time some didn’t think of it.
Next to Jin Taizhu, his memory is very good and he replied, "I remember an old man from the military intelligence department in the human area who was sent to the fifth district to engage in a gun case at Moore’s house."
"Ah, I remember." Xiao Qi suddenly realized when he heard this. "We also saved the second child when we saved him, didn’t we?"
"Is he still in Sichuan for a few days?" Cha Meng also has an impression on this person.
"What does he want with you?" Xiao qi asked
"Said to invite me to dinner" Qin Yu replied softly "Anyway, it’s nothing. Then have a meal."
When Xiao Qili fought Ye Xiao and others rescued Ma Er at the foot of Mangshan Mountain outside the fifth district, Qin Yu specially ordered that if there was an opportunity, he would also rescue the military personnel in the other two districts, because he respected these people and might be able to get along with them later.
Jiang Xue is one of these people. He took the initiative to make a conversation with Qin Yu and made an appointment for this meal.
Yanbei urban area
Officer Huang was sitting in the car, smoking a cigarette with some anxiety and saying, "Oh, don’t ask, let you go, just go and take the child away!" "
Chapter DiYiSiJiu Looking at a thief Jiang Xue
Jin Taizhu is not interested in seeing Jiang Xue, and he seems to be sensitive to military personnel, so he directly told Qin Yu that he would not attend the party at night and stayed in the hotel, and the latter did not force it.
At about 5: 30 p.m., Jiang learned about the hotel building. After Qin Yu answered his words, he went upstairs with three guards, Xiaoqicha Meng.







1. 健身房:配备先进的健身器材,为商务人士提供专业的健身环境,让游客在紧张的工作之余,保持良好的身体素质。

2. 游泳池:室内恒温游泳池,四季恒温,让游客畅游其中,感受水的温柔与舒适。

3. KTV:拥有多个包间,提供高品质音响设备,让游客在欢声笑语中释放压力,享受音乐带来的愉悦。

4. 棋牌室:提供各种棋牌游戏,为宾客提供休闲时光,增进彼此间的友谊。

5. 茶室:设有多个茶室,提供各类名茶,让游客在品茗之际,领略中国茶文化的魅力。

6. SPA:专业SPA师为游客提供全身按摩、面部护理等全方位服务,帮助游客缓解疲劳,焕发活力。




"My husband has an objection, sister. Let’s vote. I agree."

"I agree."
"Two to one against. Article 2 passed."
"Third, every time you come back from the trial, the householder must report everything you have done in the fantasy world and you must not hide it! What do you mean, husband? "
"I agree". If you can be raped anyway, just obey.
"Article 4 Without consent, the householder is not allowed to bring women into the trial tower from the world again …"
"Fifth …"
"Any member of the Ninth Theorist who violates the house rules will be punished …"
When Qin Changfeng numbly agreed for the ninth time, the most humiliating family rule in history finally ended.
Then sign and sign in quadruplicate …
Qin Changfeng in tears.
But then again, although a series of unequal treaties have been signed, this matter has finally to be solved
In Qin Changfeng’s view, if they don’t make trouble, they can say anything.
There will always be a place to get it back …
Two days later, Qin Changfeng looked at the floating catkins and cut his nails on the wooden steps of Sakura Forest.
Maybe she was so impressed when we first met. She has a special liking for these hands, and she likes to play with them whenever she has nothing to do.
Qin Changfeng said with a bitter face, "I said that if you have nothing to do, you should study more research skills and merits. What have you done?"
"Ha ha, you’re not happy to be a disciple and be filial to your master?"
"No, I mean, if you have any questions, you can tell me."
"I won’t wait for the rank to catch up with you for the time being." Float cut the last finger and rubbed it again before I got satisfied. I put away my gold scissors and got up and said, "Well, I’m going to take part in the advanced war. Sister Zhou will leave it to you. Don’t bully my husband!"
Zhou Zhiruo walked out of the cabin and laughed. "You just returned your master and apprentice, and now you’re a husband again? It’s not as thick-skinned as someone. "
Qin Changfeng covered her forehead … These two women have never been close as sisters, but they showed their true colors after a brief marriage when they concluded the French law.
"Who told me that my husband likes this tone?" Float against an army and then walk away with a triumphant smile.
Qin Changfeng raised his head and said, "Don’t argue with her and be spoiled at an early age."
Zhou Zhiruo shook his head gently and sat beside him with a faint fragrance. He leaned on his shoulder and looked at the rising crescent moon in the middle of the night. "I will be satisfied if you treat me well."
Qin Changfeng stretched out his arm and gently took her into his arms to accompany her to watch the moon at this time. What’s the promise of eternal love? It’s not a soul mate in case.
I don’t know how long it took before she suddenly looked up at him close at hand and said, "Brother Sheng asked for Zhi Ruo. Zhi Ruo has been waiting for seventeen years this day …"
A moment later, Zhou Zhiruo was lying in the cherry blossom petals wearing only a thin white underwear, and her eyes were shining brightly, and her long eyelashes were like a feather fan. The whole person was more like a soft bone and slender waist.
A pair of white arms as white as snow lotus root, like coral as ruby in the middle, is a virgin. Seeing Qin Changfeng staring at it, his cheeks suddenly turned red with shyness.
Such a beautiful woman is falling in love with her heart, let alone Qin Changfeng. Even if a man is afraid of another day, he would rather die than let her get the slightest harm.
This night, the red flower tent was warm and I spent spring night …
Five days later, Zhou Zhiruo entered the temple like floating catkins to prepare for the identity test.
Qin Changfeng, she chose the world of condors and heroes. Let her go in and meet her granddaddy, Guo Xiang Xia, but it’s also interesting.
After 17 years of concentrating on meditation, she has not only cultivated Jiuyang’s magical power to the seventh late stage, but also cultivated two layers of strength, which is more stable than that of Yang Xiao plus Emei’s swordsmanship and lightness skill. It can be said that she is definitely a first-class master among the condor heroes.
In addition, she also learned a mental skill and poison from the medical skills and poison classics of Hu Qingniu and his wife.
Ann’s problem doesn’t need to worry too much. Qin Changfeng gave her a sweet nutmeg and other miscellaneous props for self-defense. She already knows the general plot and can’t successfully pass a mere identity test. That’s totally unreasonable.
Before leaving, Zhou Zhiruo frowned and asked, "Do you think I should help grandmaster stay with Yang Guo?"
Qin Changfeng’s way of thinking of women is unpredictable. She replied for a long time, "You can do whatever you like before ensuring safety."
After, of course, it’s impossible to be so wanton, so Qin Changfeng let her indulge herself once this time.
Qin Changfeng didn’t think about his own business until he returned to the cherry blossom forest again.
The latest advanced war on the third floor is very tight, and there are less than three days left
If Qin Changfeng takes part in this time, he can’t take everyone with him. If he gives up waiting once, he will definitely go through another trial, so that when he is promoted to the general, he will be delayed for two months.
After a long time, Qin Changfeng decided to take part in the advanced war alone, and Float, Adebayor, Pusaka and Zhou Zhiru waited for Zhou Zhiruo and Float to rise to the rank of a captain and then participated together.
Although it is much more difficult to lead four people through advanced warfare without him, Qin Changfeng believes that there will be no big problem in the help of powerful equipment props
You know, he brought out a piece of gold equipment, a one-time powerful gold prop and two groups to send scrolls from the unkind world
Among them, the attribute of the white dragon glove randomly selected from the gold equipment name is as follows
Chapter two hundred and ninety-six Elder sister … Brother-in-law?
Bailong gloves gloves equipment
Produce the world fighting animal farm.
Prop gold
Materials: white dragon claw tendon, enchanted gold and silver thread, King Jing Xue, etc.

He was surprised that Lu Li found out so quickly that such a false statement was made.

A sudden realization of the heart now that you have seen through it, you should be able to leave this fantasy.
Can be tried from afar, but there is no effect and he can’t help but be very surprised.
At the same time, the real yuan is running to find out the physical function. Sure enough, there is no difference in the moment before the robbery of the day before yesterday, whether it is your physical condition or the dragon tripod, there is no abnormal change after you remember it in your mind.
"Obviously, I am in a dreamland, but since I have seen through this dreamland, there is no sign of collapse. Is it true that everything around here is another kind of reality?"
Lu Li was startled to think that he needed to judge the situation.
I didn’t pay any attention to the words of "Hugh Stay Buddha". Because there are too many illusions in front of me, this dreamland has no sense of reality and is more like an absurdity.
First of all, it’s false to have seen that day. Second, Chen Fei and others should have been dead long ago. It’s impossible for Roots to appear here. Third, what he knows about Xiusu Tianzunxiu is not so advanced. It’s still an exaggeration to preach to so many brothers as the Three Mountains and Twelve Peaks.
These brothers are separated from each other and have not seen Corydalis, Fang Yun’s cold or the mysterious shooter in the main city of Yongzhou-Wang Wanqiu, a fairy with the same name.
His eyes narrowed slightly and he simply said to himself, "In that case, it’s just a test."
Husu Tianzun was also surprised to see that the other party didn’t care about himself. Husu Tianzun was angry and snorted. "How dare you not answer when you leave Tianzun?"
At this, I smiled coldly. "Isn’t it a lot easier for Buddha to have a discussion than you and me?"
"The younger generation is looking for death!"
Hugh lodge Buddha smell speech is more furious, and the whole person swooped down to its ling with an amazing palm force, which made many younger brothers flee to both sides.
It’s hard to say that he’s a SuSuTianZun. Even at this moment, a core elder of Taikoo Gate comes, and he has the ability to resist the blow. He’ll be interesting to see what the SuSuTianZun is, whether it’s true or not!
The other party’s seemingly unusual palm is only slightly stronger than the other party’s, because it has not yet seen through all this. It is impossible to easily wave a lot of real yuan to retain strength.
When the palms touch, the Buddha sneers at the distance, but his face changes dramatically and he retreats for more than ten steps. His face is incredible
"How come you are the first one who dares to learn from me?"
There is a sense of demon domain in the face of the Buddha who sleeps in the house. The impression is that the old man in his mind can sleep in front of him with a sense of being demonized.
With his hands on his back, he said coldly, "Teach him a lesson."
Chapter one hundred Confused
At that moment, the murderous look suddenly broke out here, which made Lu Li’s face sink and his heart flush with disbelief. But his practice is killing the Heart Sutra. How can he not notice the murderous changes of people around him?
Fang Han, Shao Tianhuan, Lan Feng and others have all looked indifferent as ice. In the words of the so-called Hugh Stay Buddha, these people’s murder has increased greatly, pointing to the land.
Not only that, but also several people, such as Moon Ice Mark, Cloud Rain, Li Zhuran, etc., also want to draw their swords and make moves at the moment.
Chen Fei, Nangong Hong and wuyue, two brothers, all kinds of former enemies also gathered around to fish in troubled waters.
Lu centrifugal suddenly flush with a rage, not against these old people, but for the false stay in front of the Buddha, who is so vain that he can make these people kill. Is it intentional?
"Hum, killing you is like searching for something!" Fang Han speaks quickly, and the whole person is turning into an ice, and it is extremely cold to tear everything apart.
Stay away from the enemy and wait for the whole person’s colorful brilliance to shine. Several kinds of true elements are qi qi to bless a colorful ball of light. He knows that Fang Han’s method is powerful, but he doesn’t want to have any slight hostility and chose hard connection.
When the two sides collide, Fang Han suddenly retreats and the export bursts, and the blood splashes from the ground. It is a step back. Although the other party didn’t hurt him anything, the ice chill can still be really felt.
And it doesn’t feel fake!
This makes Lu Li fall into doubt whether this place is true or false!
At this moment, Nangong Hong jumped and had to chop and chop, trying to wipe out the land.
But at this time, Lu Li is already a different person. It’s not that he is Nangong Hong. Even if the Nangong family comes here, it will take several moves to see the real chapter.
And Nangong Hong is just repairing native clay dogs like that!
A palm splitting out of the land contains a trace of residual jade. Although it is only a trace, it can do great harm to Nangong Hong.
Sure enough, Nangong Hong’s wound was full of green light and jade, and Fu Li invaded his body for an instant, immediately injuring him and rolling his mouth, whining constantly.
Chen Fei’s eyes flashed angrily and shouted, "Lu Li, do you dare to seriously hurt your cousin?"
For this’ Chen Fei’ words, the feeling is simply a big joke. His face is slightly heavy and he grunted, "Hurt people? What if I kill people? "
The voice did not fall, but it turned into a ghosting image. In this way, the instantaneous figure was actually twisted off Chen Fei’s neck directly!
And the other person’s brain is completely shattered by a shock from the real yuan, which makes this person die instantly!
Chen Fei spewed blood from his mouth, and naturally a little of it was stained on the palm of his hand, which was more real than that.
"kill!" One by one, the younger brothers all jumped on the land.
Lu Li suddenly closed his eyes without moving again.
He didn’t go to see the closed six senses, stopped listening and feeling, just like a closed heart, trying to isolate everything.
All this is like a smoke cloud, and then it disappears.
When the picture changes, all kinds of feelings are restored, but he can’t tell whether the foreground is a painting or he is in a picture of heaven and earth.
"Here is it?" Lu lijue’s snow and snow blew on his face, but when he opened his eyes again, he was completely unfamiliar around a snowy mountain.
There is no one around him.
He looked at this snowstorm, but though it was released, he could not feel the breath of life, which made the place feel a sense of silence and cold, which made people shudder.
"The wrath of heaven will never dissipate like this. I must suppress my anger or this curse will surely burn me out and die-"
Lu Li walked forward to himself. When he met this serial robbery, he should have been a demon who sent him into a dreamland, or he let himself fall into a crazy scene. But none of this happened. Instead, he caught himself in this cold mirage and knew it was false at first sight, but the cold feeling outside was extremely real. Even Lu Li bowed his head and could see the blood condensed in his finger frost flower, which was like killing Chen Fei before. At this moment, it was condensed.

It’s the Gankun Academy, which is worse than the behemoth. It’s still the King City of Yanyangxian.

No matter how strong the younger brother is, he must abide by the rules of Yan Yang Xian Guo!
He is not good at making moves, but he can teach the younger brother a lesson with the help of the power of Yan Yang Xian Guo!
On this occasion, Xue Qian turned around and looked at a group of city guards who galloped in the middle and said, "I have seen this Xue Qian who is in charge of Xue Family."
"Xue Daoyou has heard a lot about you."
When the city commander saw Xue’s family, Xue Qian looked a little slow, and gave a little hand in return.
Xue Qian pointed to Su Moshen and said, "Some people here fought in the city because of their younger brother’s identity, and they hurt many people in the Xue family continuously."
"I didn’t start work on this person because I didn’t want to regenerate the dispute in the fairy king city, and I asked the commander-in-chief Xue family to uphold justice!"
The city leader frowned slightly and turned to look at Su Mo.
If it’s an ordinary monk, he’ll catch it. It’s a big deal to be imprisoned for a few days to teach a lesson
But brother Gankun …
"Xin Tongling!"
Just around him, a female voice suddenly sounded in the difficult crowd
He consciously looked around to see a woman wearing red rainbow armor in the crowd, came to Su Mo’s side and said with a smile, "It’s been a long time since Xin led."
"I have seen the red rainbow princess!"
Xin looked at Zheng and hurriedly bowed down.
Behind him, many city guards also saluted.
Xue Qian was stuck in a bad mood.
The red rainbow princess waved her hand and said, "It’s no big deal here. It’s just that Xue Jiagong robbed others. My younger brother can’t look at it. It’s okay to have a good discussion with that Xue Gongyou."
Is this a friendly exchange?
Xin and at the head of the glanced at Xue Yuan, who was slumped on the ground, and muttered something in his heart.
The Xue Gong was seriously injured by this, and most of them didn’t have a chance to attend.
He had long heard that Princess Chihong had joined Gankun Hospital.
Now red rainbow infanta came forward and he hurried back down the steps.
"I see."
At the head of Xin nodded slightly. "There are indeed some small conflicts that often occur in the city. It’s nothing to hurt."
Princess Chihong smiled and said, "Xin leads you to patrol elsewhere. Nothing here will soon be scattered."
"It’s a long way"
Xin’s leader once again took the guard of the city behind him and soon disappeared from here.
Xue Qian ate another flat gas and almost vomited blood.
Xue Qian’s face turned blue and purple, and finally he suppressed these two words, holding Xue Yuan and all the Xue family turned away and disappeared into the crowd.
Chapter two thousand one hundred and ten Xie Qingcheng
"Red Rainbow"
Just then, not far away, a man called for intimacy and magnetism, and he could feel a warm power when he smelled it.
Su Mo raised eyebrows and saw a white man walking slowly in the strip not far away.
See this person Su Mo tiny one zheng.
Many monks around also gave a sigh.
This man is so beautiful, his facial features are handsome, and there is no flaw, like a jade man who is better-looking than many fairy beauties.
Su Mo would never have believed that this man would be a man if he hadn’t been in the first place and heard that he was a man.
Princess Chihong is a rare beauty, but she is a little inferior in front of this one.
The appearance of the white man is really dazzling.
At this moment, all the monks in the strip, both men and women, were eclipsed.
"Is this a man?"
Sue ink looked at bearer some confusion.
"Brother Allure"
The red rainbow princess saw the bearer shine at the moment, and her face was full of laughter. She ran over and threw herself into this person’s arms.
Hear this’ the whole brother’ Sue ink heart really sure.